عيد الفطر بظل جائحة كورونا

عيد الفطر بظل جائحة كورونا

عيد فطر سعيد

عيد فطر سعيد

كل عام والامة الاسلامية والعربية بالف خير أعاده الله علينا وعلى جميع المسلمين بالخير واليمن والبركات .

يأتي هذا العيد وللعام الثاني على التوالي بظل استمرا جائحة كورنا ونسأل الله العلي القدير أن يشفي جميع المصابين بهذا المرض وأن يرفع الوباء والبلاء عنا جميعا بأقرب وقت ممكن . 

نتمنى للجميع السلامة ونشدد على ضرورة الوقاية من هذا المرض عبر اتخاذ الاجراءات الاحترازية , واتباع الارشادات الحكومية للحد من انتشار الوباء وللمساهمة بتسريع التشافي والقضاء على هذا الوباء . 

أدام الله علينا الصحة والعافية ونتمنى لكم عيد فطر سعيد وكل عام وأنتم بالف خير . 

تقام صلاة عيد الفطر السعيد بعد غد الخميس في مدن وإمارات الدولة في التوقيتات التالية:

أبوظبي: 05:57

دبي: 05:52

الشارقة 05:51

عجمان: 05:51

رأس الخيمة: 05:48

الفجيرة: 05:48

أم القيوين: 05:50

العين: 05:50

خورفكان: 05:48

الظفرة: 06:01

وكانت دائرة الشؤون الإسلامية والعمل الخيري بدبي قد أكدت أنه سيتم فتح المصليات قبل صلاة العيد بمدة 15 دقيقة وإغلاقها مباشرة عقب الصلاة، وستبلغ مدة صلاة العيد بما في ذلك الخطبة 15 دقيقة، في حين ستكون مصليات النساء مُغلقة حتى إشعار آخر.

ينما أعلنت دائرة الشؤون الإسلامية بالشارقة اتخاذ الإجراءات الاحترازية كافة خلال صلاة عيد الفطر المبارك في مصليات وجوامع إمارة الشارقة. ومن المقرر أن تقام الصلاة في المصليات والجوامع المعتمدة، على أن تكون مدة الصلاة مع خطبة العيد 15دقيقة وتفتح الجوامع قبل الصلاة بـ15 دقيقة وتغلق مباشرة بعد الانتهاء من خطبة العيد.

ومن المقرر أن تقام صلاة العيد في المصليات والجوامع المعتمدة في جميع إمارات الدولة مع استمرار إغلاق المرافق الخدمية وأماكن الوضوء، ومراعاة تطبيق جميع الضوابط الاحترازية التي تم العمل بها في صلاة التراويح طوال شهر رمضان المبارك. وأن تلك الإجراءات تهدف للحفاظ على الصحة والسلامة العامة.


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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

Novel COVID-19

What is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. First identified in a cluster with pneumonia symptoms in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are: 
 – Fever
 – Dry cough
 – Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. 
Note: Not everyone with a cold or upper respiratory symptom needs to get tested for COVID-19. Only a person with a symptoms and travel history can do the test. Additionally, most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
How does COVID-19 spread?
– Novel Coronavirus strains are spread from person to person through contaminated droplets from a person who is sick with the illness (through coughing or sneezing) or contaminated hands.
– The virus can spread through touching an infected surface.
– People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.
Is there any treatment for COVID-19?
The treatment of COVID-19 depends on enhancing the immunity level of patients, treating the symptoms and easing complications, as there is no specific treatment for the virus to date.
​What are the ways to prevent the disease?
– Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.
– Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
– Covering mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth without washing your hands.
– Avoid shaking hands and just wave. 
– Avoid nose-to-nose greeting, hugging or kissing others.
– Avoid contact with animals (live or dead).
– Take enough rest and take a large amount of fluids.

Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on contracts and future projects

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, there are questions about the impact on contracts and future projects.

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is presenting many challenges to the Consultants and Contractors. Delivery of ongoing projects is being challenged by site shut-downs, material supply issues and shortages of personnel.

 Perhaps now more than ever, civil engineers need to be aware and alert to safety-related issues.

To the bigger, future workload question, that is more complex still. Going forward the world now faces three overwhelming threats of global disasters – climate change, the Coronavirus pandemic, and unknown, transformative socio-economic changes in its aftermath. Some of these socio-economic changes, if sustained, will have positive effects in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation. But what does that mean for our infrastructure systems? What will society want from our roads, railways and other vital communication networks?

With the unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus across the globe, many firms and business have been initiating projects to transform their operations from ‘face to face’ to virtual environments aided by various technologies.

Worried about how to arbitrate or mediate online during the COVID-19 pandemic? Starting to make the switch online and have questions?

The COVID-19 health crisis is causing unprecedented disruptions and damage to the world’s economy and business relationships. Many commercial disputes are surfacing as parties find it impracticable or impossible to perform their contractual obligations.  At the same time, the crisis is also considerably slowing down the resolution of pending court cases, exacerbating the already significant backlog of cases in many courts.

Procedures for those arriving to the UAE:

If you have any symptom of a respiratory infection and have travelled to any country with a widespread outbreak of COVID-19, we advise you to do the following:
– Visit the nearest health center or hospital and immediately inform the doctor of your recent travel history and your symptoms.
– Follow the doctor’s instructions, and if you were advised to self-isolate, please avoid any direct contact with people. 
– Take the information from reliable sources.
For any medical support or inquiry, please contact:
– “Estijaba” service at the operation center – Department of Health at 8001717
– Ministry of Health & Prevention at 80011111
– Dubai Health Authority at 800342

Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/uncategorized/novel-coronavirus-covid-19/

Roadmap to Engineering in United Arab Emirates

Roadmap to Engineering in United Arab Emirates

Are you considering immigrating to UAE to work as an engineer?

Find your way to successful work 

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in engineering in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll need to obtain a degree in engineering from a recognized university. Additionally, you’ll need to obtain a professional license from the relevant authorities in the UAE. Once you have these qualifications, you can start looking for engineering jobs in the UAE. It’s important to note that competition for engineering jobs in the UAE can be fierce, so you’ll need to be prepared to demonstrate your skills and experience. Networking can also be helpful in finding job opportunities. With the right qualifications and determination, you can build a successful career in engineering in the UAE.

Roadmap to Engineering in United Arab Emirates

Roadmap to Engineering in United Arab Emirates


If you’re passionate about engineering and want to pursue a career in this field, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can offer plenty of opportunities. However, finding work in engineering can be challenging, and you need to have the right qualifications and approach to succeed.

To start with, it’s essential to have a degree in engineering from a recognized university. This will demonstrate your technical knowledge and skills to potential employers. Moreover, you will need to obtain a professional license from the relevant authorities in the UAE to work as an engineer legally.

Once you have the necessary qualifications, it’s time to start looking for job opportunities. It’s worth noting that competition for engineering jobs in the UAE is fierce, so you need to stand out from the crowd. Networking can help you find potential employers and create valuable connections in the industry. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with people in your field on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

When it comes to applying for engineering jobs, make sure your CV and cover letter are tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight your relevant skills and experience, and show how they align with the job requirements. Be prepared to demonstrate your technical skills and experience during interviews, and have examples ready to showcase your work.

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek advice and guidance from career coaches or mentors who can provide valuable insights into the engineering industry in the UAE. With the right qualifications, approach, and mindset, you can find work in engineering and build a successful career in the UAE.

What Do I Need to Know About Finding Engineering Work In UAE?

There are some important things you need to know about finding work as an engineer in UAE:

Your qualifications may not be immediately recognized especially if you have not yet obtained your work experience. Having your qualifications recognized can take up to several months. However, you can still work in engineering work during this period, as long as you are supervised by a professional engineer.

Communicating well in English or Arabic, is essential for success in UAE. Use the time before you come to improve your language skills. You may also need to take additional language training during your first few years here.

If you’re looking for engineering work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there are a few key things to keep in mind. Here are some essential tips to help you succeed in your job search:

  1. Have the right qualifications: To work as an engineer in the UAE, you will need a degree in engineering from a recognized university. You may also need to obtain a professional license from the relevant authorities in the UAE. Make sure you have the necessary qualifications before starting your job search.
  2. Be prepared to compete: Engineering jobs in the UAE are highly sought after, and competition can be intense. You will need to demonstrate your skills and experience to stand out from other candidates.
  3. Network, network, network: Networking is crucial in finding engineering work in the UAE. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with people in your field on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Building relationships with people in your industry can lead to job opportunities and valuable connections.
  4. Tailor your applications: When applying for engineering jobs, make sure your CV and cover letter are tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight your relevant skills and experience, and show how they align with the job requirements.
  5. Be ready to showcase your skills: During the interview process, be prepared to demonstrate your technical skills and experience. Have examples ready to showcase your work and be prepared to answer technical questions related to the job.
  6. Seek advice and guidance: Finally, seek advice and guidance from career coaches or mentors who can provide valuable insights into the engineering industry in the UAE. They can also help you navigate the job search process and provide feedback on your CV and cover letter.


In UAE, there are many kinds of engineers: Architect, Structural Engineers, Civil engineers, aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers and more. Some jobs with ‘engineer’ in the title have little to do with engineering, like locomotive engineer and sound recording engineer. Search for jobs that suit your skills and qualifications.

Finding Your Fit: Exploring Different Types of Engineering Jobs in UAE

If you’re looking for a career in engineering in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there are plenty of options to consider. From architectural and structural engineering to mechanical and aerospace engineering, there are many different fields to explore.

Understanding the different types of engineering jobs available in UAE can help you find a role that best matches your skills and qualifications. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most popular types of engineering jobs in the UAE and what each role entails.

Architectural Engineering

Architectural engineering focuses on the design and construction of buildings and other structures. As an architectural engineer, you’ll be responsible for creating plans and drawings, as well as overseeing construction projects to ensure that they meet safety and environmental standards.

Structural Engineering

Structural engineering is closely related to architectural engineering, but it involves a more in-depth focus on the structural integrity of buildings and structures. As a structural engineer, you’ll work closely with architects to ensure that designs are structurally sound and meet all building codes and regulations.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is a broad field that encompasses a variety of different roles, from transportation and infrastructure design to environmental and water resource management. As a civil engineer, you could be responsible for designing highways, bridges, and other public works projects, or developing solutions to complex environmental challenges.

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is a specialized field that focuses on the design and development of aircraft and spacecraft. As an aerospace engineer, you’ll work on everything from aerodynamics and propulsion to materials science and avionics.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is another broad field that covers a wide range of roles and responsibilities. As a mechanical engineer, you could work on anything from the design and development of engines and machinery to the creation of robotics and automation systems.

Finding the Right Engineering Job for You

With so many different types of engineering jobs available in UAE, it’s important to take the time to explore your options and find a role that best matches your skills and interests. When searching for engineering jobs, look for opportunities that align with your education and experience, and be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific role.

Where are the jobs in UAE?

Best Engineering Jobs in UAE: Where to Find Them

If you’re an engineer looking for job opportunities in the United Arab Emirates, there are plenty of options available to you. However, the demand for certain types of engineering jobs will vary depending on which emirate you’re in. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the best engineering jobs in the UAE and where to find them.

Architectural, Structural, Civil, Mechanical, and Road Engineering Jobs

These types of engineering jobs can be found throughout the UAE, but they are most commonly found in the big cities like Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah. If you have experience in any of these areas, you’ll find a wide range of job opportunities available to you in these cities.

Petroleum Engineering Jobs

If you’re looking for a job in petroleum engineering, you’ll find that most of the opportunities are in Abu Dhabi. However, there are also opportunities available in Dubai. Petroleum engineering is an important industry in the UAE, and there are plenty of job opportunities available for qualified professionals.

Agricultural Engineering Jobs

If you’re interested in agricultural engineering, you’ll find that most of the opportunities are in Al Ain City. This city is known for its agricultural industry, and there are plenty of job opportunities available for professionals in this field.

How to Find Engineering Jobs in the UAE

If you’re looking for engineering jobs in the UAE, there are a few different resources you can use to find opportunities. One of the best resources is the ‘Labour Market Report’ on recruitment websites. This report will give you an overview of the job market in the UAE and provide information on which industries are hiring.

You can also use recruitment websites to search for job opportunities in specific cities or industries. Many of these websites allow you to upload your resume and apply for jobs directly through their platform.

Another option is to network with professionals in your industry. Attend industry events and conferences, and connect with other professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Building a strong network can help you stay up-to-date on job opportunities and connect with potential employers.

If you’re an engineer looking for job opportunities in the UAE, there are plenty of options available to you. The best engineering jobs in the UAE are in architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, road, petroleum, and agricultural engineering. These jobs can be found throughout the UAE, but the demand for each job type may vary depending on which emirate you’re in. To find job opportunities, use resources like recruitment websites, network with professionals in your industry, and attend industry events and conferences. With a little effort, you can find the perfect engineering job in the UAE.



When seeking an engineering position in the UAE, it is essential to follow academic writing standards while preparing an employment application. The application must comprise a curriculum vitae (CV), also referred to as a résumé, along with a cover letter. Additionally, including academic documents and reference letters may bolster your application’s strength.

The curriculum vitae should list your educational qualifications, work experience, and other relevant skills and achievements. The cover letter must be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your interest and qualifications for the position. Reference letters should be from reputable sources who can vouch for your work ethic and abilities.

By adhering to these academic writing standards, you can present a professional and polished application that showcases your qualifications and suitability for the engineering job in the UAE.

What are a curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter?

Your CV—often also called a résumé—is the most important document you will give a potential employer. It describes your education, work experience, skills and contact information.

Résumés do not include personal information such as your age, picture, Social Insurance Number, marital status or religion.

Your cover letter introduces you to a potential employer. It should include your contact information, how you found out about the job you are applying for and how your skills and experience make you a good candidate for that job. It should be no more than one page long. It is very important that your cover letter and résumé are written in grammatically correct English or Arabic.

When preparing to apply for a job, the cover letter and résumé should be tailored for the specific role.  Search online for engineering-specific and/or job-specific language. Knowing the exact phrases and engineering terminology will help you write your résumé and cover letters.

What is a reference letter?

In addition to your résumé and cover letter, a potential employer may want to see reference letters or speak with someone who can provide a reference for you. A reference letter is a document written by a former employer, client or professor that describes your personal qualities—for example, how well you work with others. It should be no more than one page long. 

Depending on the job, a potential employer may ask for one to three reference letters, though there is no standard rule. Most important are that your reference letters be positive and include the full name, current contact information and professional designation of the person referring you. It is best to provide reference letters from people in varying professions and, if possible, from both overseas and UAE.

Will employers want to see my academic documents?

A potential employer may want to see your academic documents, such as degrees, certificates and transcripts. These must be translated into English or Arabic, depending on the employer. Check with your potential employer for specific requirements—you may need to use an approved translation service (if so, you will have to pay for the translation) and provide certified translations, original documents or copies notarized.

Perchance, could it be that prospective employers would find it essential to lay their eyes upon the documentation that certifies my academic achievements? Is it not conceivable that they may require a tangible manifestation of my educational prowess before deeming me suitable for a position within their establishment? Could it be that my collection of academic certificates shall serve as the definitive criterion that shall be employed to assess my qualifications for any given job?


UAE’s official language is Arabic, and English is the language of business. Both languages are very important to UAE society and culture.

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the official language is Arabic, which is also an integral part of UAE society and culture. However, in the business world, English is widely used and considered the language of commerce. In fact, English is a mandatory subject in schools and universities throughout the UAE, and many people in the country are proficient in both Arabic and English.

Due to its importance in business and education, English is also the primary language used in government and legal documents, as well as in the media. This makes it essential for anyone seeking to do business or work in the UAE to have a good command of English, as it will facilitate communication and help build professional relationships.

Nevertheless, Arabic remains an important language in the UAE, as it is the language of the Quran and a significant part of Emirati culture. Therefore, learning Arabic can also be beneficial for anyone living or working in the UAE, as it can help to foster cultural understanding and enhance personal relationships.

Overall, proficiency in both Arabic and English is highly valued in the UAE, and being able to communicate effectively in both languages can be an asset in both personal and professional settings.

Society of Engineers – UAE 

Society of Engineers – UAE was formally organized on April 03, 1979 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs – Ministerial Decree No. 331 1979 –granting the registration of “Society of Engineers – UAE”. 

The foundation of Society of Engineers – UAE had started in the midst of the economic growth in the UAE. The founders had witnessed an exceptional development in the construction industry and the continuous increase of engineers working in all the engineering fields. The founders became aware of their great responsibility to be a part of this growth and to form a professional association which will include all the engineers working in the UAE.

Society of Engineers – UAE joined International Engineering Associations:

Federation of Arab Engineers (1984)
World Federation of Engineering Organization (1985)
Gulf Engineering Union (1986)

Helpful tips

Here are some additional helpful tips for aspiring engineers:

  1. Seek out mentorship and guidance: Finding a mentor within your field can provide valuable insights and guidance as you navigate your engineering career. They can offer advice on career development, technical skills, and industry trends.
  2. Continuously update your technical skills: Engineering is an ever-evolving field, and it’s essential to keep up with the latest technological advancements and industry standards. Continuing education courses, workshops, and professional development opportunities can help you stay current and enhance your expertise.
  3. Network with other engineers: Building a network of professional contacts can provide opportunities for collaboration, career advancement, and mentorship. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with other engineers on social media platforms to expand your network.
  4. Prioritize communication skills: Strong communication skills are essential for engineers to effectively collaborate with colleagues, explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, and present ideas and proposals to clients. Practicing and developing communication skills can enhance your professional reputation and open doors to new opportunities.
  5. Seek out diverse experiences: Working on projects in different industries or with different types of clients can broaden your knowledge and skillset. Seeking out diverse experiences can also enhance your problem-solving abilities and make you a more versatile engineer.
  6. Develop strong project management skills: Even if you are not in a project management role, developing skills in planning, organization, and execution can help you be a more effective engineer. Strong project management skills can also lead to career advancement opportunities.
  7. Build a diverse team: Building a team with diverse backgrounds and skill sets can lead to more innovative solutions and better outcomes. Diversity can also help teams better understand and serve a wider range of clients and customers.
  8. Stay up-to-date on industry trends: Keeping up with industry trends, emerging technologies, and new regulations can help you stay ahead of the curve and better serve your clients or customers. This knowledge can also help you identify new opportunities and potential challenges.
  9. Focus on continuous improvement: Strive to continually improve your skills, processes, and outcomes. Seek feedback from colleagues and clients, and use it to identify areas for improvement. Celebrate successes, but also use failures as opportunities for learning and growth.
  10. Consider graduate education: Depending on your career goals and aspirations, pursuing a graduate degree in engineering or a related field can help you develop advanced skills and knowledge. It can also open doors to new career opportunities and higher salaries.


engineering, works, salary, jobs for engineering , UAE engineering requirements , documents required for engineering 

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All About Project Management

All About Project Management

How to Manage your Work 

Consultant | PMP | Planning | Engineer 

All About Project Management

All About Project Management

Improved UAE job market

Project management is the planning, organizing and managing the effort to accomplish a successful project. A project is a one-time activity that produces a specific output and or outcome, for example, a building or a major new computer system. This is in contrast to a program, (referred to a ‘programme’ in the UK) which is an ongoing process, such as a quality control program, or 2) an activity to manage a number of multiple projects together.

Project management includes developing a project plan, which involves defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, how they will be achieved, identifying tasks and quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and timelines for completion. It also includes managing the implementation of the project plan, along with operating regular ‘controls’ to ensure that there is accurate and objective information on ‘performance’ relative to the plan, and the mechanisms to implement recovery actions where necessary.
Projects often follow major phases or stages (with various titles for these), for example: feasibility, definition, planning, implementation, evaluation and realisation. (Thanks for Kevin Lonergan for contributing to this description.)

NOTE: There are many software tools that make project management much more effective and efficient. Software Tools to Do Project Management Process lists software resources. The reader might best be served to read about the overall project management process in the section, “Foundations of Project Management” below, and then review some of the software tools. Another approach is to review the tools as the reader progresses through each phase of the project management process.

7 Skills Every Project Manager CV Should Include

Writing your CV as a project manager can be a complex task. As somebody who balances so many tasks across multiple teams and locations, it can be a challenge to get all of your experience down into 2 sheets of A4. A good project manager’s CV should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to lead staff, mitigate risks and deliver the required results. Although every project managers CV will be unique, there are certain skills that every project manager needs to succeed .

1. Scheduling

Effective scheduling is crucial to the success of a project, so it’s important to include it in your CV.  Demonstrate your ability to plan and arrange activities to be completed in time with project expectations. Giving solid examples of scheduling project activities for yourself and surrounding teams will give employers confidence that you can deliver projects on time and within budget.

2. Cost control

In order for a project to be delivered within budget and keep sponsors happy, cost control is vital. When writing your CV ensure that you include the budgets you manage, optimal allocation of spending and cost effective vendor relationships. Also detail any methods or tools used to manage costs and be sure to highlight any big savings you have realized for employers.

3. Risk management

Every project faces risks that have the potential to derail it’s success. A strong project manager’s CV should give solid examples of controlling risk to show project sponsors that you are able limit their effects. The ability to spot potential risks before and deal with them before they become problematic is a highly valued attribute

4. Leadership

If you’re going to lead a project through to successful delivery, it stands to reason that you should possess sound leadership skills.  Use your CV to detail the teams you manage and how you drive them towards deliverables. Activities such as running team meetings, staff performance reviews and reward are good signals of strong leadership in project management.

5. Methodologies

Methodologies are rigorous systems of methods which are used to keep projects on track and drive them forward. Whether you utilise Prince2, Agile, Waterfall or any other methodology, employers need to know your experience, knowledge and qualifications in those areas. It’s also important to explain how you implement these methodologies into your projects as opposing to simply listing qualifications.

6. Business case writing

Justifying project initiation, spending and resource allocation often requires a strong and coherent business case. The ability to write or at lease contribute to a business case is therefore a valuable skill for your CV. In cases where you have been responsible for achieving project milestones or making improvements through effective business case presentation, you should make it clear in your CV.

7. Delivery

The ultimate measure of success for a project manager is the results they deliver. Clearly explain the benefits your projects have provided and use figures where possible to quantify your value. Whether you have transformed a finance system across multiple global locations or project manged a large office relocation, be sure to detail your results along with any significant achievements made on the project.

In addition, to including the essential project management skills above, you should also make sure you include factors that are important to your own industry along with any tools you have experience in using, such as Microsoft Project. therefore, Keep the CV to around two pages in length and break up into easily digestible sections so that busy hiring managers can read through it quickly.

The Importance of Project Management

Project management is essential to the success of any project. It ensures that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of stakeholders. Effective project management can also improve team productivity and communication, resulting in better overall outcomes.

Effective project management plays a crucial role in the triumph of any undertaking. It not only guarantees timely completion, staying within budget, and pleasing stakeholders but also fosters team productivity and communication, leading to superior outcomes. As Margaret Rouse pointed out, “The fundamental challenge of project management is to accomplish all of the project objectives within the specified constraints.” This task requires a great deal of planning, coordination, and attention to detail to meet the demands of the project and maximize success. Without proper project management, even the most promising projects can quickly derail, leading to unnecessary costs, delays, and disappointment. Therefore, it is crucial to have competent project managers who can steer projects towards successful completion.

As stated by Margaret Rouse, “The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints.”


In summary, project management is an indispensable process that aids organizations in accomplishing their objectives. Through the use of essential principles and techniques, project managers can guarantee that projects are executed proficiently and fulfill the requirements of all interested parties. By prioritizing communication, collaboration, and adaptability, project managers can steer projects towards successful completion, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity and profitability. It is crucial for organizations to invest in qualified project managers and recognize the value of effective project management to achieve sustainable success.

Here are some additional tips to consider when it comes to effective project management:

  1. Establish clear goals and objectives: Before beginning a project, it’s crucial to define specific and measurable goals that align with the organization’s overall strategy. This clarity will help guide decision-making and ensure that the project stays on track.

  2. Develop a comprehensive plan: A detailed plan outlines the project scope, timeline, budget, resources, and potential risks. Having a well-crafted plan ensures that everyone involved is aware of their roles and responsibilities and helps minimize unexpected obstacles.

  3. Prioritize communication and collaboration: Clear and regular communication among team members is essential for keeping everyone aligned and informed of progress and potential issues. Collaboration is equally important, as it allows team members to share ideas and work together to solve problems.

  4. Monitor progress and adapt accordingly: It’s critical to regularly monitor project progress and adjust plans accordingly to avoid delays or deviations from the project goals. This adaptability is key to ensuring that the project stays on track and meets the requirements of stakeholders.

  5. Celebrate milestones and successes: Finally, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate project milestones and successes. This recognition can motivate team members and help build a positive team culture, ultimately leading to more successful projects in the future.




Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/uncategorized/all-about-project-management/

How to Resolve Disputes Quickly

How to Resolve Disputes Quickly

Resolve, Amicably, and Inexpensively 

How to Resolve Disputes Quickly

How to Resolve Disputes Quickly

Business in the United Arab Emirates have enjoyed enormous success over the years, though some have dealt with breaches of contract, unpaid receivables, and other compliance issues.

Even the best managed firms face unforeseen problems. those that include arbitration clauses in their contracts can avoid crippling and losses. 

Dubai: The Dubai Real Estate Court recently settled a dispute worth Dh15 billion over setting up a fully-integrated city project between different parties involved in the project.

Our emphasis is on providing pragmatic advice tailored to specific situations, which makes us the natural choice for the work relating to a wide variety of property types, including large development sites, shopping centres and office buildings. We take time to fully understand our clients’ businesses and the wider property market.

Clients also benefit from our pre-emptive commercial advice, which flags up potential future problems. As a first step, we try to avoid disputes and to contain our clients’ costs.

With wide experience of the property market and all types of dispute resolution procedure, we are used to managing many of the largest and most complex multi-party disputes. Working closely with our real estate, insolvency, corporate, projects and finance teams, we provide clients with creative solutions to their business problems, right up to conclusion of a project or dispute.

How to resolve a property dispute in Dubai?

Resolving Property Disputes in Dubai: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are a property owner in Dubai, the last thing you would want is to get embroiled in a legal dispute with another party over your property. However, sometimes, such disputes are inevitable, and it is important to know the correct legal procedures to resolve them. In this article, we will discuss how to resolve a property dispute in Dubai in compliance with the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (Rera) guidelines.

Understanding the Role of Rera

Rera is the governing body that regulates and oversees the real estate sector in Dubai. They play a crucial role in resolving property disputes and ensuring that all parties involved follow the law. If you find yourself in a property dispute, it is advisable to seek the assistance of Rera to ensure a fair and impartial resolution.

Types of Property Disputes

Property disputes can arise in a variety of situations, including but not limited to:

  1. Breach of contract
  2. Disputes related to property boundaries
  3. Disputes related to property ownership
  4. Disputes related to rental contracts

Each type of property dispute has its unique set of legal procedures to follow. It is essential to understand the nature of your dispute to determine the best course of action.

Legal Options Available

Here are some of the legal options available to resolve a property dispute in Dubai:

  1. Mediation – A mediator helps parties in a dispute to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. Mediation is less formal and less expensive than going to court, making it a popular choice for resolving property disputes.
  2. Arbitration – This is a more formal process where an arbitrator is appointed to hear evidence and make a legally binding decision. The arbitrator’s decision is final and can only be appealed in court on certain grounds.
  3. Court – If all other methods fail, parties can opt to take their dispute to court. Court proceedings are formal, and the outcome of the case will be determined by a judge.


Resolving property disputes in Dubai can be a complex and challenging process. However, with the right guidance and knowledge of legal procedures, you can ensure a fair and just resolution. Remember, it is always better to seek the assistance of RERA and a legal professional to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Referring disagreements to us helps in several ways, including but not limited to : 

  • Less time-consuming and therefore less expensive to pursue a settlement. 
  • Private proceedings with parties able to engage without the case being publicized.
  • Sessions can be scheduled and concluded more quickly and conveniently.
  • Procedures can be tailored to the specific dispute.
  • Arbitrators can be chosen for special expertise as well as other qualities such as years of experience, qualifications, character, and so on. 

Referring Disagreements to Arbitration: Benefits and Advantages

When two parties find themselves in a legal dispute, it can be a long and costly process to resolve it through the court system. However, referring the disagreement to arbitration can offer several benefits, making it a popular choice for dispute resolution. In this article, we will discuss some of the advantages of referring disagreements to arbitration.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Arbitration is typically a faster and more cost-effective way to resolve disputes than going to court. This is because the process is less formal, and the rules of evidence are less strict. Arbitration also allows parties to choose their own arbitrator, which can help to streamline the process and keep costs down.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Unlike court proceedings, arbitration sessions are private, and the details of the dispute are not made public. This is particularly important for businesses or individuals who want to keep their disputes out of the public eye.

Flexibility and Tailored Procedures

Arbitration procedures can be tailored to suit the specific dispute at hand. This means that parties can choose an arbitrator who has special expertise in the subject matter of the dispute. Additionally, parties can agree on the procedures that will be used during the arbitration, which can help to streamline the process and make it more efficient.

Specialist Expertise

Arbitrators can be chosen for their expertise in a particular field, which can be particularly important for complex disputes. Parties can select an arbitrator who has specific knowledge of the subject matter at hand, which can help to ensure a fair and just resolution.


Arbitration can offer several advantages over traditional court proceedings when it comes to resolving disputes. It is typically a faster and more cost-effective process, and it allows parties to choose an arbitrator with specialist expertise. Additionally, the process is private and confidential, which can be important for businesses or individuals who want to keep their disputes out of the public eye. If you find yourself in a legal dispute, it is worth considering whether arbitration might be the right choice for you.



Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/uncategorized/resolve-disputes-quickly/

What you Need to Know About Renting a House in Dubai

What you Need to Know About Renting a House in Dubai

The property law in Dubai | Leasing 

What you Need to Know About Renting a House in Dubai

What you Need to Know About Renting a House in Dubai

Life in Dubai is exciting, fast-paced and luxurious, but sometimes it can also be challenging Many people are still unaware of their rights as tenants in Dubai, despite the stories in the newspapers and the information given by the authorities and RERA with regards to the rental laws of the country. 

Take note of details during your final viewing: Whether it’s an extra designated parking spot that you’re after or the availability of facilities such as a swimming pool or gymnasium, be sure to check them out so that you know exactly what the housing unit is offering. Furthermore, jot down the DEWA number because you will need it to get the DEWA changed into your name. For apartments, the DEWA number is usually written next to the main door, and for villas, you will usually find the DEWA number next to the gate.


Real Estate agencies
All real estate agents and agencies must be registered with RERA and listed on their Broker’s List if this is not the case than the real estate agency or agent could be a fraudster out to get your money. Always check if your broker is listed before any money changes hands. Furthermore real estate agents are not entitled to charge a fee to show you around properties in Dubai. Their fee is paid once they have successfully rented the property to a tenant. That’s what the agent’s fees are for.

Costs involved in renting property
When you are renting a property in Dubai, it is important to be aware of the extra costs that you may incur over and above your rent. Firstly rent is paid with postdated cheques in Dubai. This means that the rent is paid in advance for the whole year. Some landlords will require the entire rental amount to be paid in one cheque while others will allow for 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12 cheques. It is very rare to find a landlord who will allow for a monthly rent amount to be paid. You can also negotiate the number of cheques you will pay, however the rental price may increase with the number of cheques.

Secondly, you will have to pay the agents fee. This is not regulated by law as such but is usually 5% of the total lease amount or AED5000, whichever amount is higher. The agent will recover a fee from both the tenant and the landlord.

Thirdly, the tenant will have to, on top to the rent and fees also give a maintenance deposit. This is a refundable deposit which the landlord will use in order to restore the property to what it was like before he rented it out to the tenant. This is usually 5% of the total rent amount. According to Article 20 of the law regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants (Law no. 26 of 2007);

“[The] Landlord may obtain maintenance deposit amount from tenants to guarantee maintenance of premises at the end of tenancy contract, provided that landlord shall undertake to refund this deposit, or any remaining amount, upon expiry of contract.”

Another additional cost is setting up your DEWA account, this will require a refundable deposit of AED1000 for an apartment and AED2000 for a villa.

Finally you will have to register with Ejari. This is the authority responsible for regulating the relationship between the landlord and the tenant and all rental contracts should be registered with Ejari. 

Other things that you need to know
Check the conditions of the property as the landlord is required to hand the property over to the tenant in working order. Most properties are rented before the DEWA is set up. It is important that your contract has a clause within it that will allow you a few days after you move in to check that the AC and all water pipes are in good working order, and if not, the landlord will be responsible for fixing these.

Make sure that there is a title deed or Oqood on the property before you agree to rent it and part with your hard earned cash. Ensure that the name on the title deed and tenancy agreement are the same. If not ask questions. You should be writing the cheques to the property owner and not a third party. 

Read your contract carefully before signing it, it is a binding document and you could sign away some of your rights and luxuries if you do not read it properly. Make sure that maintenance is included in the contract agreement.

If the landlord intends to increase your rent, he must let you know three months before the expiry of the contract and vice versa. You can amend the contract at any time before the contract expires, however both parties have to agree to the amendment. This is in accordance to Article 14:
“If either party of tenancy contract wishes to amend any of its conditions pursuant to Article 13 of this Law, then he must notify the same to the other party not less than 90 days prior to expiry date, unless both parties agreed otherwise.”

The law governing eviction
Articles 25 and 26 of Law no. 33 of 2008 that amends some of the provision stipulated in the law regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants stipulate the terms of eviction.

Article 25:

1. Landlord may demand eviction of tenant prior to expiry of tenancy period in the following cases:

  • a. If tenant fails to pay rent value, or part thereof, within thirty (30) days of landlord’s notification for payment; unless parties agreed otherwise
  • b. If tenant subleases the property, or part thereof, without landlord’s written approval and in such case eviction shall be applicable to the tenant and the subtenant, and the subtenant’s right to refer to tenant for compensation shall be reserved.
  • c. If tenant uses, or allows others to use, the property for illegal or immoral activities.
  • d. If the leased property is a commercial shop and the tenant left the same without occupation and without legal reason for 30 continual days or 90 non-continual days in one year; unless the parties agreed otherwise.
  • e. If tenant causes changes that endanger safety of the property in a way that it cannot be restored to its original condition or if he causes damage to the property intentionally or due to his gross negligence to take proper precautions or if he allows others to cause such damage.
  • f. If tenant uses the property for purposes other than the purpose it was leased for or if he uses the property in a way that violates planning, building and land using regulations.
  • g. If the property is in danger of collapse, provided that landlord must prove such condition by a technical report issued by Dubai Municipality or accredited by it.
  • h. If tenant fails to observe legal obligations or tenancy contract conditions within 30 days from date of notification by landlord to abide by such obligations or conditions.
  • i. If development requirements in the Emirate require demolition and reconstruction of the property in accordance with government authorities instructions.

And for the purpose of this clause (1) of this Article the landlord must notify the tenant through the Notary Public or by registered mail.

2. Landlord may demand eviction of tenant upon expiry of tenancy contract limited to the following cases:

  • a. If the owner wishes to demolish the property for reconstruction or to add new, constructions that prevent tenant from benefiting from the leased property provided that necessary licenses are obtained.
  • b. If the property requires renovation or comprehensive maintenance which cannot be executed while tenant is occupying the property, provided that a technical report issued by Dubai Municipality or accredited by it is to be submitted to this effect.
  • c. If the owner of the property wishes to recover the property for use by him personally or by his next of kin of first degree provided that he proves that he does not own a suitable alternative property for that purpose.
  • d. If the owner of the property wishes to sell the leased property

And for the purpose of clause (2) of this Article, landlord must notify tenant with reasons for eviction at least twelve months prior to the determined date of eviction subject that such notice be sent through the Notary Public or by registered mail.

Article 26:

If the Committee decided for the landlord to recover the property for his own use, or use by his first degree next of kin pursuant to the provision of paragraph (c) of clause (2) of Article (25) of this Law, then landlord shall not rent the property to others for at least two years for residential properties and three years for non-residential properties from date of recovery of the property, unless the Committee decides less period for reasons considered by it, otherwise the tenant shall have the right to request the Committee to order proper compensation to him.

Finally Article 28 or Law no. 26 of 2007 protect the tenant from early eviction should the landlord decide to sell the property. “The transfer of title to a new landlord shall not affect tenant’s right to continue occupation of the premises in accordance with tenancy contract signed with the previous owner, provided that tenancy contract has fixed date.




What you need to know about Real Estate Agencies and renting a house.
What are the additional costs involved in renting a property
The other things you have to ask about renting
Rental increase at contract renewal – renting fees
The law about evictions, more information about renting 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/explore-dubai/need-know-renting-house-dubai/

How to get Driving License in Dubai

How to get Driving License in Dubai

How to get Driving License in Dubai

How to get Driving License in Dubai

Resident Guide | Information | Driving License Conversion

Steps, trainings  tests and all you need to do to get a driving license in the emirate

Driving licenses can be obtained by adult UAE citizens/residents after training from an authorized driving school in Dubai. If you are 18-21 year of age, you can apply for a probationary license.


If you have never driven before or have a driving license that is not on the approved list of 36 countries then you must undergo training.

Documents required

Passport (original and copy) with residence stamp, No-Objection Certificate from employer and 8 photos.

Driving License Conversion Dubai

If you are a resident of Dubai you need to have a Dubai driving license. You cannot drive using your home countries driving license or an international license after you have received your residency.

Authorized driving schools

Al Ahli Driving School- 04-3411500 (10 branches)
Belhasa Driving School – 04-3243535 (18 branches)
Dubai Driving Center- 04-3455855 (13 branches)
Emirates Driving Institute- 04-2631100 (53 branches/mall counters)
Galadari Driving School- 04-2676166 (14 branches)

Steps and Procedure

  1. Get an eye test done either at an optician or at your driving school.2. The school will handle all paper-workwith RTA who may even have a counter at the school.

    3. Receive your temporary driving license, which you must carry in your training car.

    4. Once you have passed all internal tests like garage and parking, your school will apply for your theory test followed by your road test.

Theory test

The theory test is carried out at the five authorized driving schools. Don’t forget to carry relevant ID, driving file+ 2 photos and theory test RTA fee of Dh200.

A total of 35 questions on road signals, hazards, and guidelines on safe-driving will be asked in either English, Arabic or Urdu, with more languages to be added later.

Candidates who cannot read the touch-screen or are not computer literate can take the examination orally. The first segment with 17 questions focuses on general traffic situations, and the candidate will need to answer a minimum of 11 correct to pass. The second segment has 18 questions related to the specific driving license the candidate requires and a minimum of 12 correct answers are required to be eligible for the road test.

Road test

On the date assigned, bring your passport, driving file+ 2 photos to the RTA Licence Section as advised by your driving school. Fill up the application form and submit fees (around Dh200 for road test). When your name is called out, go along with the other three candidates and the RTA inspector to the designated car. You will be given just a few minutes to demonstrate your driving and anticipatory skills.

If you fail, you will have to register with your driving school for at least 7 more classes and get a new road-test date.

If you pass, collect the approval paper from your inspector and go to the Pass Counter. Submit along with suitable ID and Dh100. Collect your test file and submit to Control Counter. After processing, pay the required fees and proceed to photo area. When your name is called out, have your photo taken. Congratulations. In a few minutes, you will receive your DL and be eligible to drive in Dubai and the UAE.

Do keep in mind that Dubai has a zero-tolerance policy on drinking and driving. Plainclothesmen travel about in unmarked vehicles and can legally stop you at any time to check. Dubai eGovernment recommends that you buckle up your seatbelt and drive safely at all times.

For more information, please visit RTA website or call RTA on 8009090.

 How to Pass Your Driving Test

 There comes a time in everyone’s life where they feel the need to get out and explore life on the road; of course, it’s best done legally, so you are going to need your papers. The thought of getting your driver’s license can be a little bit intimidating, but with a few simple guidelines, you’ll be well on the road to success!

Be Prepared for the Test

Pick up the driver’s guide

  • You’ll learn the basic rules of the road,when to pull over for emergency vehicles, speed limits in various zones, how to handleaccidents, and more.

Practice driving on the test routes.
 Find out in advance where you will be taking the practical test (the actual driving part).

  • One of the biggest things the examiner will look for is whether or not you have full command of your vehicle. If you are intimidated by the car, make jerky starts and stops, and generally show a lack of confidence in your driving, that will count against you.
  • If you speed, run a light or a stop sign, or make other egregious errors, you can pretty much count on retaking the test.

 Be familiar with signage. Knowing street signs, hand gestures, when to pass, how and when to pull over for emergency vehicles will count. Read that manual! Know the rules and you’ll be fine.

Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment. 

Get in the car with the driving examiner. Relax, and be friendly. You won’t lose points for being unpleasant necessarily but if your examiner needs to make a judgment call about your driving at some point, ask yourself: would you be easier on a nice person, or a jerk?

 Practice situational awareness. Check your mirrors regularly. Make this a little more exaggerated than normal, just so it is clear that you are doing it.

  • Keep your head moving, looking out the windows for other traffic, pedestrians, kids, little old ladies, etc.
  • Keep your eyes on the road, not on that good-looking guy or hot girl walking down the sidewalk. Your examiner will see them too, and check to see what has your attention: the road, or the hotness. If you want to pass, the answer needs to be “the road.”
  • When you change lanes or turn, turn your head to look behind you. Your rear-view mirrors are useful, but they’re not foolproof. A combination of eyes and mirrors are the best.

 Thank the examiner. When you return to the motor vehicle department, listen to what the examiner has to say. Most likely they will mention what you did wrong, and a little of what you did right.

  • Then they’ll tell you if you passed or failed. Whichever it is, thank them politely. If you passed, you’ll be pleased, and it’s always nice to be polite. If you failed, you’ll have to come back for a new test.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/explore-dubai/get-driving-license-dubai/

Business Start Up Ideas in Dubai

Business Start Up Ideas in Dubai

Ideas that You Need to Know Before Starting Your Business 

Business Start Up Ideas in Dubai

Business Start Up Ideas in Dubai

Business Start Up Ideas in Dubai: Ideas That Remembered all the Time When Doing Business in Dubai

Dubai is the second largest emirate of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in terms of land area. Its main incomes are from a property (real estate), financial services (investment funds, insurance companies, banks, etc.), and tourism. In this article, we provide some business start up ideas Dubai.

The triumph of an individual or a company in doing commerce in Dubai lies, to a large extent, on having adequate awareness of Dubai’s business environment and culture.

Business start-up ideas Dubai: Here is some  concerning the prevailing business environment in this emirate:

There is no individual income tax levied on those living in Dubai. Investment gains, property transfers, income from rentals and inheritances are likewise not subject to tax.

There is no commercial taxation for businesses in Dubai. The exclusions here are the oil companies and banks.

Dubai has no money boundaries in place. Hence, exchanging any of the major world currencies is quite effortless here. Note too that all banks and even hotels in Dubai are able to present very good exchange rates for any currency.

Dubai imposes no restrictions on the repatriation of investment and profits.

Import duties imposed in Dubai are quite aggressive Non-luxury goods, for example, are subject to four percent (4%) import duty, while it’s ten percent (10%) for luxury items.

Actually, the quantity of import levy imposed can differ a great deal depending on the goods brought into the emirate. In some instances, it can be as short as one percent (1%).

Import duties imposed in Dubai are quite aggressive Non-luxury goods, for example, are subject to four percent (4%) import duty, while it’s ten percent (10%) for luxury items.

Supply of energy, besides being inexpensive, is abundant. This guarantees continuous business operations on working days of the week.

Several other businesses start up ideas Dubai may be offered here relating to Dubai’s business environment:

The actions involved in recruiting employees are simple

Owning real estate entails reasonable cost

Communication facilities are extremely dependable for their competence and modernity

Business start up ideas Dubai: Business Culture

In addition to most of the business start up ideas Dubai given above (such as the virtually free enterprise system, highly reliable telecommunications system, and modern transportation infrastructure, among others), there are a number of other aspects that make conducting business in Dubai very eye-catching.

Dubai, for one, boasts of a highly sophisticated monetary services sector. Its place of work and residential accommodations are of the uppermost quality.

Also here are some of the world’s top venues for business convention/meetings and trade exhibitions.

World class shopping malls, hotels, hospitals (Dubai happens to enjoy the peculiarity of having the “biggest” in each of these three categories) and schools are abundant in the emirate.

Dubai as a Market financial system:

Perhaps the best business start up ideas Dubai offered here are those related to the basic characteristics of Dubai as a market financial system.

Some of these are listed below:

Since the late 1980s, Dubai imports have nearly trebled. This is brought about by the liberalization in do business and by the economic development in this particular region.

Dubai’s import requirements are so broad or highly diversified. This translates to practically unlimited opportunities for suppliers of different or multiple products.

Dubai is strategically located in what can be considered perhaps the richest province in the world.

This makes the emirate the leading trading center in this particular region.

Its strategic position also makes Dubai highly available with over eighty-five (85) air carriers and nearly two hundred (200) shipping lines serving its air and sea ports.

For all intents and purposes, Dubai is an open market – that is (to re-stress some of the Dubai commerce tips already stated), there are no trade barriers, exchange controls, or quotas imposed in the emirate.

Additional small though equally important Dubai business starts up ideas to consider:

Business hours in Dubai are from 8:00 in the morning to 1:00 in the afternoon and from 4:00 in the afternoon to 8:00 in the evening, daily excluding Fridays.Banking hours, on the other hand, are from 8:00 in the morning to 1:00 in the afternoon (Saturday to Wednesday) and from 8:00 in the morning to 12:00 noon (on Thursdays).

Appropriate addressing of persons in business circumstances is very essential. It is a necessity that customers or business counterparts be addressed by their honorific titles when applicable.Or else, the use of conventional titles of politeness (“Sayed” for Mr. and “Sayeda” for Mrs.) prior to the first name will suffice.

Business situations in Dubai call for every personality to be appropriate, decently, and conservatively dressed.These Dubai business start up ideas are meant to lay emphasis on that investors can look forward to the many benefits of doing business in a highly developed financial system and friendly atmosphere Dubai is most especially noted for.


start up business in Dubai. 


Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/explore-dubai/business-start-ideas-dubai/

Work Permits for Dubai

Work Permits for Dubai

Document required for Visa | Working Process | Regulation | Rules | Legislation 

Work Permits for Dubai

Work Permits for Dubai

All non-UAE citizens working in Dubai require a residency visa, which allows them to obtain a work permit (labour card) issued by the Ministry of Labour.

Most expats arrive in Dubai , and don’t have to deal directly with the complicated process as employers usually take responsibility for the visa application process, and thus the work permit, while also acting as the sponsor for the visa. Employers also normally incur the costs of the application.

There are different types of work visas for the UAE, depending on the duration of the employment contract. In order to obtain a work permit for Dubai, expats need a residency visa, which allows them to remain in the emirate for up to two years. Before getting a residency permit, applicants have to pass a health check, which includes testing for HIV/AIDS.

All forms and documents for the work permit should be written and processed in Arabic. The employment contract should also be written in Arabic and three copies are needed: one for the employee, one for the employer and one for the Department of Labour.

The requirements for a labour card include:

  • A residency visa
  • Applicant must have a qualification that is needed in the country
  • Valid passport with no less than six months validity

The following documents are required to secure a work permit in Dubai:

  • Photograph of applicant
  • Passport (with at least six months validity) and residency visa
  • Valid health certificate
  • Photocopy of sponsoring company’s tradelicence
  • Three copies of employment contract with signatures of employee and employer
  • Copies of professional qualifications

Working in Dubai

If possible, expats considering working in Dubai should secure a job before moving to the emirate. Though many foreign nationals have chosen to forego this advice and make a success of themselves regardless, it should be noted that it’s much more difficult to do so.

The employers are increasingly looking for those already settled in the region; thus, resident status can go a long way when it comes to securing lower and mid-level positions.
It is virtually impossible to begin a life in Dubai without a residence permit, which allows expats to obtain a work permit. A residence permit also needs to be presented when buying a mobile phone, opening a bank account, renting a property and linking into any other logistic required for a normal life in Dubai.

Expat jobs in the UAE are mostly in banking and finance, insurance, Sharia compliance, construction, retail and services, and the telecom sector. Those considering a move should be aware that career flexibility in Dubai is very limited.

Expats working in Dubai find that it’s not easy to move between companies. Many employment contracts contain clauses imposing a ban on employees working for another company within the same industry within a year of leaving, although there is some doubt as to whether such practices can be applied in the ‘Free Zones’, which are areas that have been established for specific sectors or industries such as Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City.

Furthermore, expats must have their visa reprocessed if changing jobs, and the former employer must sign a formal document called a “No Objection Clause”.

While Dubai’s economy suffered at the hands of the recession, positive confidence is coming back to the market, and employers are looking to hire expats with experience. Those “Dubai survivors”, expats who managed to sit tight during the downturn, and even those who left the country and would entertain the idea of returning, are considered ideal candidates. In addition, those with good communication ability in Arabic and English, team spirit and flexibility, good leadership skills and trustworthiness will do well in the Dubai job market.

Expats considering working in Dubai should also be aware that the hiring process has become increasingly rigorous. Multiple interviews, deep reference checks and even psychometric tests are fast becoming the norm.

Historically, companies sourcing talent to work in Dubai were required to offer generous relocation packages as an incentive for workers to decamp to the desert. Now, with the exception of very senior level positions, those days are all but gone. No one, it seems, needs much incentive to make the move to Dubai and it is becoming increasingly unusual to find accommodation, furniture/shipping allowances, private schooling, family vehicles and other historically appealing expat perks.

What employees can expect is:

  • Initial flight to Dubai and hotel accommodation on arrival (usually for a period of a week to a month)
  • A return flight to home country once a year
  • Standard healthcare insurance (Health Benefits Contribution), which covers the cost of a health card and makes a contribution toward general public healthcare

A word of warning: employees who resign or who are fired before completing a year’s service can be liable for the full repayment of the above.

What is my basic salary? Is it a minimum wage?

There is no provision for minimum wages in the UAE Federal Labour Law, nor has the Emirate of Dubai instituted any such law. Your basic salary is a negotiated rate stipulated in your labour contract. This amount is important because it is the basis of your end-of-service gratuity pay. When you receive salary increases, it is to your best interest to make sure you receive a formal notice of the increase, i.e. in writing, and that the Department of Labour is duly notified.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dubai offer similar wages for comparative positions, i.e., office secretaries for small businesses are normally granted a compensation package within an expected range. More established organizations, such as multinational corporations (MNCs) with offshore locations in Dubai negotiate salaries within their company’s pre-existing scales.

What makes up a basic salary/compensation package in Dubai and the UAE?

Here are items that the law mandates to be included in an employee’s compensation package include the following:

  • Basic salary
  • 30-day annual paid leave (21 for the first year)
  • Government medical insurance (some companies provide private insurance coverage after probationary period).
  • Recruitment and visa-processing fees and other associated costs. Some employers may attempt to have you agree to have these costs deducted from your pay so beware.Notehowever, that repatriation costs may be legally taken off of your final pay, especially if you abscond or fail to complete your contract term.
  • Gratuity pay
  • Return flight to your home country at the end of your contract.

What other benefits or perks may be negotiated?

  • Relocation assistance
  • Private medical insurance
  • Annual return tickets
  • Accommodation and transportation allowances
  • Vehicle allowance
  • Mobile phone allowance
  • Furnishing (for accommodation) allowance
  • Food allowance






Permanent link to this article: https://www.e-basel.com/explore-dubai/work-permits-dubai/

التحكيم العقاري الهندسي

التحكيم العقاري الهندسي

منازعات عقود الانشاءات الدولية وعقود الفيديك

دورة التحكيم العقاري الهندسي - مركز تحكيم راس الخيمة

دورة التحكيم العقاري الهندسي – مركز تحكيم راس الخيمة

أقيم بمقر غرفة تجارة راس الخيمة وبرعاية مركز راس الخيمة للتوفيق والتحكيم التجاري , وبتنظيم المعهد العربي للمحاسبين والقانونين دورة تدريبية بعنوان التحكيم العقاري الهندسي , وتناول المحاضرون مواضيع تتعلق بمنازعات عقود الانشاءات الدولية وعقود الفيديك .

إنعقدت الدورة على مدى ثلاثة أيام , والمحاضرات كانت من إعداد المستشار محمد البديري , والمهندس خالد شهيل .

تناول المستشار محمد البديري في اليومين الاول والثاني مواضيع عديدية تتعلق بالعقود والجانب القانوني المتعلق بالتحكيم , فيما تناول المهندس خالد شهيل الجانب الفني الخاص بالمنازعات التي قد تنشأ في عقود الانشاءات .

بدأت الدورة أعمالها بالتعريف بالفيديك حيث أشار المحاضر الى تاريخ نشأة الفيديك وتطوره عبر التاريخ , حيث تم تأسيس الفيديك أول مرة عام 1913 بمساهمة ثلاث جمعيات أوروبية للمهندسين الاستشاريين ناطقة بالفرنسية .

من أنشطة الفيديك هي اعداد ونشر نماذج للعقود المتصلة بأعمال المقاولات بأنوعها المختلفة سواء كانت أعمال مدنية إنشائية , تشمل الاعمال الكهربائية والميكانيكية , أو عقود الدفعة الواحدة , عقود المقايسة , بالاضافة الى عقود تسليم المفتاح.

كما تم التطرق الى التعريف بالعقود النموذجية الصادرة عن اتحاد الفيديك , واجاب المحاضر عن التساؤل الذي يطرح والذي هو : لماذا اهتم الفيديك بنشر نموذج للعقود المتصلة بأعمال المقاولات بأنواعها , ونقلا عن ماقاله رئيس لجنة الفيديك للعقود , إذ يرى أن هناك حاجة أساسية لضمان العدل في العقود التي تبرم في صناعة المقاولات , ولكفالة أن يحصل المقاول على عائد منصف وعادل من العمل الذي يقوم به .

وفيما يخص القوه القانونية للعقود النموذجية الصادرة عن الفيديك , حيث تكتسب هذه العقود أهميتها في كونها نماذج من العقود تم اعتمادها من قبل منظمة عالمية تعنى بالمشاكل التي يواجها المهندسين أثناء تنفيذ عقود التشييد والبناء نتيجة لتطور هذه الصناعة والحاجة لايجاد أسس تعاقدية مسبقة تحاول تخطي المشاكل التي تعترض تنفيذ تلك العقود , والتي تؤثر على عمليات التعاقد مع الجهات المالكة للمشاريع الامر الذي ينعكس سلبا على عمليات التطوير الاقتصادية والبناء .

كما تناول المحاضر مواضيع تتعلق بآثار عقد المقاولة ( الحقوق والالتزامات الناشئة عنه ) , وتمت مناقشة حقوق والتزامات رب العمل , والمقاول طبقا لنص قانون المعاملات المدنية لدولة الامارات العربية المتحدة .

وفي محور آخر تمت مناقشة المسئولية القانونية للمهندس في مواجهة المقاول ورب العمل , وتم استعراض النصوص القانونية حسب ما نصت عليه التشريعات في قانون المعاملات المدنية لدولة الامارات العربية المتحدة .

وفي عنوان آخر كان التحكيم في عقود التطوير العقاري موضوعا مهما للنقاش ولتبادل الاراء المختلفة بين المحاضر والحضور الكريم , وكان من المفيد سماع رأي المختصين فيما يتعلق بالتطوير العقاري ودور المطور في التطوير الاقتصادي للبلد , حيث تمت مناقشة التطوير العقاري في دولة الامارت العربية المتحدة والقوانين المطبقة والناظمة لتملك الاجانب للعقارات بالاضافة الى مناقشة التملك الحر داخل الامارات , والقانون العقاري وقانون الملكية الجماعية .

تكريم الحاضرين من قبل ادارة المركز

تكريم الحاضرين من قبل ادارة المركز

وفيما يخص التحكيم في منازعات التطوير العقاري , تناول المحاضر القوانين الناظمة لحل النزاعات حسب قانون الاجراءات المدنية , كما تمت مناقشة أنواع وطرق حل النزاعات الناشئة , كذلك التعريف بالتحكيم الحر والتحكيم المؤسسي , بالاضافة الى التعريف بمراكز التحكيم الموجودة بدولة الامارت والتعريف بدورها في تنظيم وإدارة القضايا التحكيمية .

آليات تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود الفيديك وخصائصها , وطرق تسوية المنازعات كانت احدى المواضيع التي تمت مناقشتها مع الحضور , بداية كان الحديث عن الطرق الودية في حل المنازعات : تقوم العلاقات التعاقدية بحسب الاصل على مبدأ حسن النية فيمكن اعتبار أن مبدأ حسن النية هو مبدأ مفترض في كل الشرائع بحيث يقوم الاطراف المتعاقدين بتأسيس علاقتهم التعاقدية متوسمين بحسن نواياهم والتزاماتهم بروح العدالة وينتج عن اعمال هذا المبدأ الالتزام المفترض بالمتعاقدين بحل الخلافات التي قد تنشأ عن تعاقداتهم , ولم تشذ الشروط العامة  لعقود فيديك النمطية عن هذه المبادئ .

مواضيع أخرى عديدة تمت مناقشتها , ومنها دور المهندس في تحكيم العقود الانشائية , المهام المكلف بها المهندس الاستشاري , التكييف القانوني لاعمال المهندس الاستشاري وطبيعته مسؤوليته, تقيم دور المهندس الاستشاري , مشاكل التحكيم في عقود الفيديك , ومواضيع أخرى عديدة .

بقى أن نذكر أن الدورة اتسمت بدرجة عالية من التنظيم , وبجودة المواد العلمية المقدمة , والتي أثراها خبرة المحاضرين الطويلة ومعلوماتهم القيمة والغنية .

الحضور كان من السادة المهندسين , السادة المطورين العقاريين , السادة القانونيين , وعدد من السادة المقاولين والعاملين بمجال العقارات والمقاولات , كما شمل الحضور عددا من الخبراء والمحكمين المعتمدين .

تبادل الحاضرين الاحاديث الجانبية مع المحاضرين وفيما بينهم مما أغنى الحوار , وأدى لتبادل الخبرات والتجارب وخاصة الفنية منها , وكان لافتا تنوع الاختصاصات بين الحضور من حيث الممارسات الفنية والمهنية , كل ذلك أدى لتفاعل جيد بين الحاضرين والجهة المنظمة , ومع المحاضرين .

وفي ختام الدورة حصل المنتسبين على شهادة من المعهد العربي للمحاسبين والقانونين , كما تم التقاط الصورالتذكارية لجميع الحاضرين .

ختاما نشكر إدارة غرفة رأس الخيمة ومركز التحكيم على الجهود المبذولة , وعلى التنظيم الرائع , كما نشكر إدارة المعهد العربي على جهودهم , وكل الشكر للسادة المحاضرين على معلوماتهم القيمة التي شاركونا بها .  


جانب من المناقشات الجانبية مع السادة ادارة المركز ومدير المعهد العربي

جانب من المناقشات الجانبية مع السادة ادارة المركز ومدير المعهد العربي


ورشة عمل - أول أيام دورة التحكيم العقاري الهندسي بمقر مركز تحكيم راس الخيمة

ورشة عمل – أول أيام دورة التحكيم العقاري الهندسي بمقر مركز تحكيم راس الخيمة





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