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Construction Claims

Engineering Construction Claims

Navigating Engineering Construction Claims

The construction industry is highly competitive and complex, requiring meticulous attention to detail in the formation of construction contracts. Ensuring that contracts are fair, feasible, and clearly define liability and obligations can help prevent potential issues, reduce performance disputes, and ensure timely payment for work performed.

Construction projects are fraught with risks and potential disputes. To avoid costly legal battles, it’s essential to navigate engineering construction claims carefully. In this article, we’ll provide you with expert tips and strategies to help you handle construction claims effectively.


Engineering construction claims can be a major headache for contractors, owners, and project managers. These disputes can arise due to various reasons, such as design errors, delays, defective work, and contract disputes, among others. These claims can lead to costly legal battles, project delays, and damage to reputations.

Navigating Engineering Construction Claims requires careful planning, communication, and documentation. In this article, we’ll provide you with expert tips and strategies to help you handle construction claims effectively. By following these tips, you can minimize the risks of construction claims and avoid costly legal battles.

Understanding Construction Claims

Before we dive into the tips and strategies, let’s understand what construction claims are and how they can arise.

What are construction claims?

Construction claims are a legal dispute that arises between parties involved in a construction project. These disputes can arise due to various reasons, such as design errors, delays, defective work, and contract disputes, among others.

How do construction claims arise?

Construction claims can arise due to various reasons, such as:

  • Design errors or omissions
  • Delay in the project schedule
  • Defective work
  • Change orders
  • Contract disputes
  • Payment disputes
  • Environmental issues
  • Safety issues
  • What are the common types of construction claims?

The common types of construction claims are:

  • Delay claims
  • Defective work claims
  • Design errors or omissions claims
  • Contract disputes
  • Payment disputes

At our firm, we specialize in helping contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, and developers navigate engineering construction claims. Our team of experts has extensive experience in construction project management, scheduling, cost estimating, and other areas related to the construction industry.

Why Construction Contracts Matter

Construction contracts serve as the foundation for any construction project. They outline the obligations and responsibilities of all parties involved, as well as the project specifications and timetable. Without a well-prepared contract, disputes can arise, leading to delays, increased costs, and damaged relationships between the parties.

  • Clarification of Obligations and Responsibilities:
    • Construction contracts clearly outline the duties and responsibilities of all parties involved, including the owner, contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers. This ensures that everyone understands their role and what is expected of them, minimizing the potential for misunderstandings.
  • Detailed Project Specifications:
    • A well-drafted construction contract includes detailed project specifications, such as the scope of work, materials to be used, quality standards, and design plans. This level of detail helps ensure that the project meets the owner’s expectations and complies with industry standards.
  • Establishment of Timetable:
    • Construction contracts specify the project timeline, including start and completion dates, as well as key milestones. This helps in coordinating the efforts of all parties and in ensuring that the project progresses as planned, thereby avoiding unnecessary delays.
  • Dispute Prevention and Resolution:
    • By explicitly stating the terms and conditions under which the project will be carried out, construction contracts help prevent disputes. In case disagreements do arise, the contract provides a basis for resolving them, often through predetermined mechanisms like arbitration or mediation.
  • Cost Control:
    • A comprehensive construction contract includes a detailed breakdown of costs and payment schedules. This transparency helps in managing the project budget, preventing cost overruns, and ensuring that all parties are paid fairly and promptly.
  • Risk Management:
    • Construction projects inherently involve risks such as delays, unforeseen site conditions, and changes in project scope. Contracts typically include clauses that address these risks, outlining how they will be managed and who will bear the associated costs.
  • Legal Protection:
    • Construction contracts provide legal protection to all parties by clearly defining their rights and obligations. In case of a breach of contract, the affected party can seek legal remedies based on the contract’s provisions.
  • Fostering Professional Relationships:
    • A well-prepared construction contract fosters trust and cooperation among all parties involved. By setting clear expectations and providing a framework for accountability, contracts help build and maintain positive professional relationships.

Our Approach

We work closely with our clients to understand the specific issues at hand and develop a customized approach to resolving construction claims. Our team is skilled in contract analysis, review, and negotiation, ensuring that our clients fully understand the terms and obligations outlined in their contracts.

In addition to contract review and analysis, we offer expert consulting services related to claims preparation, presentation, and defense. Our team is skilled in handling construction claims related to design errors or omissions, allegations of inadequate project administration, unresolved change orders, abandonment, suspension, termination, force majeure, differing site conditions, and interference.

Lost | Construction Claims | Disputes

Lost | Construction Claims | Disputes


Lost | Construction Claims | Disputes

Lost | Construction Claims | Disputes 


Construction Claims: Expert Consulting for Disputes

Construction projects involve numerous stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors. Despite the best efforts of all parties involved, disputes can arise at any point in the project lifecycle. These disputes can cause delays, increase costs, and damage relationships between the parties involved.

At our firm, we understand the complexities of construction claims and have a team of experienced construction claims consultants who can help clients navigate these challenges. Our consultants are former construction managers and executives, providing them with the industry knowledge and expertise needed to offer valuable guidance to clients.

Understanding Construction Claims

Construction claims can be caused by a variety of issues, ranging from design errors or omissions to allegations of inadequate project administration. These issues can be difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with the construction process, and determining the associated damages can be a complex process.

Our construction claims consultants have extensive experience in project management, scheduling, cost estimating, and other areas related to construction projects. We use this expertise to assist clients with claims preparation, presentation, and defense. Our team is skilled in handling construction claims related to unresolved change orders, abandonment, suspension, termination, force majeure, differing site conditions, and interference.

Retained by Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Neutral Parties

We work with plaintiffs, defendants, and neutral parties, providing expert consulting services to help resolve construction disputes. Our team offers unbiased analysis and advice, ensuring that our clients receive fair and accurate assessments of their claims.

Our Approach

At our firm, we believe that effective communication is key to resolving construction claims. Our consultants work closely with clients to understand the specific issues at hand and develop a customized approach to resolving the dispute. We are committed to providing clear and concise reports and presentations, ensuring that our clients fully understand the issues and the potential outcomes of the dispute.


Expert Assistance with Claims Disputes

At our firm, we understand that disputes related to construction claims can be complex and challenging to navigate. That’s why we offer expert assistance to help our clients resolve these disputes effectively and efficiently.

Our team of construction claims consultants includes former construction managers and construction company executives with years of experience in project management, scheduling, cost estimating, bidding, claims preparation, presentation, and defense. We are skilled in handling a wide range of construction claims, including those related to unresolved change orders, design errors or omissions, allegations of inadequate project administration, failure to prosecute the work, abandonment, suspension, termination, force majeure, differing site conditions, and interference.

Our Approach

We work closely with our clients to understand the specific issues at hand and develop a customized approach to resolving the dispute. Our team is skilled in contract analysis, review, and negotiation, ensuring that our clients fully understand the terms and obligations outlined in their contracts. We provide expert guidance and support throughout the dispute resolution process, from the initial assessment to the final resolution.

Our Expertise

Our team of experts has a deep understanding of the construction industry, including the technical aspects of construction projects and the legal and contractual issues that can arise. We have successfully resolved numerous construction claims disputes for plaintiffs, defendants, and neutral parties, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and support.

The firm’s construction claims consultants have experience in virtually all elements of a claims dispute. These include:

  • Direct costs
  • Indirect costs
  • Extended project costs and general conditions
  • Additional home office overhead costs
  • Change orders
  • Cost escalation
  • Lost productivity and inefficiency
  • Acceleration costs
  • Delay damages
  • Disruption
  • Differing site conditions
  • Over inspection
  • Excessive changes
  • Cardinal changes
  • Abandonment


If you’re facing a construction claims dispute, our firm’s experienced construction claims consultants can assist you with a wide range of services. Our consultants have extensive experience in virtually all elements of a claims dispute, including:

Claims preparation:

Effective Claims Preparation Services to Secure Your Entitlements

As a business owner or individual, it is essential to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. However, preparing and submitting a successful claim can be a daunting and overwhelming process. Fortunately, our team of expert consultants provides effective claims preparation services to help you secure your entitlements.

Gathering Evidence to Support Your Claim

Our claims preparation services begin by gathering evidence to support your case. We work closely with you to understand the details of your claim and gather all relevant documentation and information. Our consultants meticulously analyze the evidence to ensure that it is compelling, persuasive, and relevant to your case.

Preparing a Comprehensive and Persuasive Claim

Once we have gathered all the evidence, we work on preparing a comprehensive and persuasive claim that clearly outlines your position and entitlements. Our consultants use their extensive knowledge and expertise to craft a compelling narrative that highlights your key arguments and supports your position.

Presenting Your Case in a Clear and Compelling Manner

Presenting your case in a clear and compelling manner is crucial to the success of your claim. Our consultants work on presenting your case in a way that is easy to understand and compelling to the relevant parties. We use a variety of techniques, including visual aids, to ensure that your message is effectively communicated.

Maximizing Your Entitlements

Our ultimate goal is to help you maximize your entitlements. We work tirelessly to ensure that your claim is successful, and you receive the compensation you deserve. Our consultants provide ongoing support throughout the claims process and keep you informed every step of the way.


Claims defense:

Our consultants can assist you in defending against a construction claim by reviewing the claim and identifying areas of weakness in the opposing party’s case. We can help you develop effective counter-arguments and strategies to minimize your exposure and potential liability.

Claim assessment:

Our consultants can provide an independent assessment of the validity and merits of a construction claim, including the identification of any weaknesses or strengths in the claim.

Delay analysis:

Our consultants can perform detailed delay analyses to identify the root causes of any construction delays, quantify the impact of those delays, and apportion responsibility between the parties.

Cost analysis:

Our consultants can perform detailed cost analyses to determine the actual costs incurred on a project, including any additional costs resulting from a construction claim.

Negotiation and settlement:

Our consultants can assist you in negotiating a settlement of a construction claim, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s case.

At our firm, we believe in providing our clients with the highest level of service and expertise. Contact us today to learn more about how our construction claims consultants can assist you with your construction claims dispute.



At e-basel, we understand that preparing and submitting a successful claim can be challenging. That’s why we offer effective claims preparation services to help you secure your entitlements. Our team of expert consultants works tirelessly to gather evidence, prepare a comprehensive and persuasive claim, and present your case in a clear and compelling manner. Contact us today to learn more about our claims preparation services and how we can help you maximize your entitlements.

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