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Lump Sum Contract VS FIDIC 99 Contract

Lump Sum Contract VS FIDIC 99 Contract Lump Sum Lump Sum Typically used with Design-Bid-Build method of project procurement. a. A lump sum contract, sometimes called stipulated sum, is the most basic form of agreement between a supplier of services and a customer. The supplier agrees to provide specified services for a specific price. The …

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متحف المستقبل | أجمل مبنى في العالم | أيقونة دبي الجديدة

متحف المستقبل

متحف المستقبل | أجمل مبنى في العالم | أيقونة دبي الجديدة دبي تفتتح – متحف المستقبل – أيقونة معمارية هي الاجمل على وجه الأرض متحف المستقبل دبي والعالم على موعد وحدث مهم اليوم حيث يشهد صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي  رعاه الله-، وعدد من …

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عيد الفطر بظل جائحة كورونا

عيد فطر سعيد

عيد الفطر بظل جائحة كورونا كل عام والامة الاسلامية والعربية بالف خير أعاده الله علينا وعلى جميع المسلمين بالخير واليمن والبركات . يأتي هذا العيد وللعام الثاني على التوالي بظل استمرا جائحة كورنا ونسأل الله العلي القدير أن يشفي جميع المصابين بهذا المرض وأن يرفع الوباء والبلاء عنا جميعا بأقرب وقت ممكن .  نتمنى للجميع …

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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)  What is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?  Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. First identified in a cluster with pneumonia symptoms in Wuhan city, …

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All About Project Management

Project management is the planning, organizing and managing the effort to accomplish a successful project. A project is a one-time activity that produces a specific output and or outcome, for example, a building or a major new computer system. This is in contrast to a program, (referred to a ‘programme’ in the UK) which is …

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How to Resolve Disputes Quickly

How to Resolve Disputes Quickly Resolve, Amicably, and Inexpensively  Business in the United Arab Emirates have enjoyed enormous success over the years, though some have dealt with breaches of contract, unpaid receivables, and other compliance issues. Even the best managed firms face unforeseen problems. those that include arbitration clauses in their contracts can avoid crippling …

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التحكيم العقاري الهندسي

التحكيم العقاري الهندسي منازعات عقود الانشاءات الدولية وعقود الفيديك دورة التحكيم العقاري الهندسي – مركز تحكيم راس الخيمة أقيم بمقر غرفة تجارة راس الخيمة وبرعاية مركز راس الخيمة للتوفيق والتحكيم التجاري , وبتنظيم المعهد العربي للمحاسبين والقانونين دورة تدريبية بعنوان التحكيم العقاري الهندسي , وتناول المحاضرون مواضيع تتعلق بمنازعات عقود الانشاءات الدولية وعقود الفيديك . …

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IMG Worlds of Adventure

Shaikh Mohammad opens IMG Worlds of Adventure Largest indoor theme park in the world opens to the public

IMG Worlds of Adventure  IMG Private Theme Park opened for Public. Looking for an exhilarating and unforgettable adventure? Look no further than IMG Worlds of Adventure! As the world’s largest indoor theme park, IMG Worlds of Adventure boasts multiple themed zones and an IMAX cinema, offering visitors a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience. But what does IMG …

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Protect Natural Resources, Utilize Solar Electric Power

Protect Natural Resources, Utilize Solar Electric Power Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and biomass are some of the renewable sources of energy. Using of renewable sources of energy is good because these sources offer an environmentally friendly option than utilizing fossil fuels. There will be an improve energy security and energy independence if …

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The Numerous Benefits of Time Management Skills

The Numerous Benefits of Time Management Skills It’s normal to hear time management discussed in business circles; yet, it is a topic that can be of great benefit to everybody. Time is a challenge for all of us, whether we’re business people, workers, students or stay at home moms or dads. There seems to be …

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