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Categories Remedies | damages

Categorising Remedies, Damages  Expectation damages, reliance damages and restitution. Remedies and damages are legal solutions that can be sought by a party who has suffered harm or loss as a result of a breach of contract or other legal wrongdoing. Three main types of damages are expectation damages, reliance damages, and restitution. Expectation damages: Expectation …

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Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ?

liquidated damages

Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ? What are liquidated damages? Sum of money (agreed-to and written into a contract) specified as the total amount of compensation an aggrieved party should get, if the other party breaches certain part(s) of the contract. The contract also establishes what actions or failures to act constitute a …

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Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ?

Loss of Profits

Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ? Claim under standard forms of contract  All standard Forms of Contract provide for the Architect or the Engineer to order variations to the Works, and such variations may include omissions. Whenever variations are ordered that omit work, and particularly if such omissions are substantial in nature, contractors …

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