Page Tags: Cost estimation

Managing Risks: The Crucial Role of Architects

Managing Risks: The Crucial Role of Architects, Engineers, and Quantity Surveyors in Commercial Organizations Architects, Engineers and quantity surveyors are often required to provide services to commercial organisations at risk the majority of Architects, engineers and quantity surveyors engaged by commercial organisations have at one time or another undertaken to provide services on a risk …

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Does an Accepted Quotation by a Contractor Include Result Delay Costs

Does an Accepted Quotation by a Contractor/Subcontractor Include Result Delay Costs? Where a contractor/ subcontractor submits a quotation for extra work which is accepted, is the accepted quotation deemed to include for any result delay costs? In general, whether an accepted quotation for extra work includes result delay costs would depend on the specific terms …

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Hudson Formula

Hudson Formula

Hudson Formula The so-called “Hudson Formula” is a topic of considerable debate within the legal and engineering communities. However, it is crucial to recognize that this formula lacks a solid foundation in both law and logic. Generally, it is widely accepted that damages and off-site overheads cannot be accurately determined through a rigid formula. While …

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Extensions of Time

Extensions of Time

Extensions of Time What is Extension of Time (EOT)? Extension of Time (EOT) is a delay which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of contract signing. The granting of an Extension of Time relieves the contractor from liability of damages such as Liquidated Damages from the original date of contract completion for the period …

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Project Management

Project Management Successful projects are usually the result of careful planning and the talent and collaboration of a project’s team members. Projects can’t move forward without each of its key team members, but it’s not always clear who those members are, or what roles they play. Here, we’ll describe five roles – project manager, project …

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Damage Quantification Experts

Damage Quantification Experts A Crucial Role in Construction Claims Construction projects are intricate and often fraught with challenges. When issues like cost overruns, time delays, or defects arise, resolving these disputes can be a daunting task. This is where damage quantification experts step in, playing a vital role in evaluating and quantifying damages. But what …

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