Page Tags: claim

Delays and Delay Analysis

Delays and Delay Analysis

Delays and Delay Analysis In various industries and sectors, delays can occur during the execution of projects, leading to disruptions, financial losses, and contractual disputes. To address such issues, it is crucial to employ effective delay analysis methods that can accurately quantify and attribute the delays to their respective causes. However, the selection of an …

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Licensing and Building Claims

Dubai Municipality

Licensing and Building Claims Licensing Legislation In United Arab Emirates each State of Emirates has legislation providing for licensing of some categories of contractors. The legislation in each emirate is completely efferent. It is beyond the scope of this article to examine the differences. That would be an enormous task. However, there are some uniform …

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Variation Claims

Variation Claims

Variation Claims Under Contract  Construction Variation Claims Construction variation claims refer to disputes that arise when changes are made to the original scope of work agreed upon in a construction contract. These changes can include alterations to the design, materials, or schedule of the project, and can be initiated by either the client or the …

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Legal Categories of Claims | Debt

Legal Categories of Claims Debt and statutory debt The word “ Debt” is used to describe the amount owed by one person to another person , and also describe a legal category of claim. The cause of action is said to be “debt”. For example, a loan of money creates a debt. The lender who …

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Construction Claims

Construction Claims

Construction Claims Construction Claims | Management Issues, Common Type of Claims  Construction Claim can be defined as a request by either party to the contract, usually the Contractor, for compensation for damages caused by failure of the other party to fulfil his part of obligations as specified in the contract. The compensation is usually in …

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Claims Under FIDIC Contract

Claims under fidic

Claims Under FIDIC Contract CLAIMS UNDER THE NEW FIDIC CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Conditions of Contract for Construction, FIDIC Forms. It is known as ‘the Red Book’. The FIDIC Conditions are used extensively on international construction projects, notably for major  infrastructure work. The FIDIC Forms are used on projects funded by the World Bank, and the drafts …

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Pricing variation

Pricing variation Variation In Writing Because of the many different categories of legal claim made under the heading of variation claims, there are many ways in which the so-called variations are priced. The most straight forward variation claim is that based on debt. For example a contract may provide that if the owner directs the …

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Variation Claims

variation Calim

Variation Claims the reason most often given by builders ( Contractor ) for making a claim against the owner for remuneration over and above the original contract price is that ” there was a variation “. there is a widespread misconception in the construction industry that a contractor is entitled to be paid a fair …

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Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ?

Loss of Profits

Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ? Claim under standard forms of contract  All standard Forms of Contract provide for the Architect or the Engineer to order variations to the Works, and such variations may include omissions. Whenever variations are ordered that omit work, and particularly if such omissions are substantial in nature, contractors …

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Interest and Damages

Interest and Damages. Damages in Construction Claim | Interest  Interest is either interest as a component of the claim, or interest after the award. Each is for different period of time. the rates may also different. Interest can be a very substantial component of the claim. Sometimes, by the time the claim comes to trail, …

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