Page Tags: Change Orders

Hudson Formula

Hudson Formula

Hudson Formula The so-called “Hudson Formula” is a topic of considerable debate within the legal and engineering communities. However, it is crucial to recognize that this formula lacks a solid foundation in both law and logic. Generally, it is widely accepted that damages and off-site overheads cannot be accurately determined through a rigid formula. While …

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Variation Claims

Variation Claims

Variation Claims Under Contract  Construction Variation Claims Construction variation claims refer to disputes that arise when changes are made to the original scope of work agreed upon in a construction contract. These changes can include alterations to the design, materials, or schedule of the project, and can be initiated by either the client or the …

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Construction Claims

Construction Claims

Construction Claims Construction Claims | Management Issues, Common Type of Claims  Construction Claim can be defined as a request by either party to the contract, usually the Contractor, for compensation for damages caused by failure of the other party to fulfil his part of obligations as specified in the contract. The compensation is usually in …

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Nine lessons for avoiding construction disputes

Nine lessons for avoiding construction disputes Construction Disputes: construction : Economic theory tells us that the pain of recessions may put stress on companies, but it also forces them to evolve and adapt. Companies willing to learn from adversity can emerge stronger and wiser. Those who failed to learn from economic hardship are among the …

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Construction Claims

Construction Claims Engineering Construction Claims Navigating Engineering Construction Claims The construction industry is highly competitive and complex, requiring meticulous attention to detail in the formation of construction contracts. Ensuring that contracts are fair, feasible, and clearly define liability and obligations can help prevent potential issues, reduce performance disputes, and ensure timely payment for work performed. …

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