Page Tags: work

Defective Buildings and Subsequent Owners

Defective Buildings and Subsequent Owners

Defective Buildings and Subsequent Owners The nature of defective work Unsurprisingly, defects are one of the major causes of dispute and construction litigation. Dealing with construction failures requires various degrees of familiarity with law, building technology and practice. There is often disagreement when it comes to identifying what a construction defect is. This, of course, …

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منازعات أعمال الديكور الداخلي

منازعات أعمال الديكور الداخلي   قضية للمناقشة تعتبر مدينة دبي قبلة المستثمرين لما فيها من بنى تحتية متطورة وسوق عقاري مزدهر الامر الذي انعكس ايجابا على اقتصاد الامارة المتنامي وبشكل جيد جدا. أبدى أحد المستثمرين العرب رغبته باستثمار عقار تجاري وتحويل نشاطه الى مطعم فاخر يقدم وجبات على اعلى مستوى من الرقي ويؤمن حسن الضيافة …

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Improve the working environment

Improve the working environment, and create a successful construction team. Yes, Claims don’t result from differing site conditions, bad contract documents, or defective contract administration. They are a direct result of the contractor losing money on the job. This is either because of the above reasons, for which a contract adjustment may be an appropriate remedy, …

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