Page Tags: contract


Services Engineering, Construction Claims & Claim Prevention We have the highest level of engineering and construction experience to systematically deal with contractual, delay and/or disruption problems that crop up at any stage of the development and construction process. We have the crucial engineering and legal expertise to get to the root of a complex problem, …

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About | e-basel Engineering Consulting & Lawyers e-basel Engineering & Law services. Imagine for a moment a world without ” Engineers” , A World without safe water, sewer, waste and sewage treatment, electricity and gas supplies, telecommunications, roads, railways, airports… Etc. and you see the world without the construction professional, you see the world …

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Contact Us

Contact US Not long ago, we came up with a list that highlighted one of the most important sections of a website – The ‘About Us’ page. But, we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow that list up with an equally important section – the ‘Contact Us’ page. We are happy to answer any questions …

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