Page Tags: contract

Rights and Obligations of Parties under Contract


Rights and Obligations of Parties under Contract Duties Overview, Sample Clause  The best way to define contractual obligations is to say that they are the legal responsibilities of each party involved in a contractual agreement. In a contract, both parties will exchange an item or service of value, but certain expectations must be met in …

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Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ?

liquidated damages

Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ? What are liquidated damages? Sum of money (agreed-to and written into a contract) specified as the total amount of compensation an aggrieved party should get, if the other party breaches certain part(s) of the contract. The contract also establishes what actions or failures to act constitute a …

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10 Things You Need To Know About FIDIC | Clause

10 Things You Need To Know About FIDIC ( Contract and Clause ). What does ” FIDIC” stand for ?. Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs – Conseils (from French, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers) What is The history of FIDIC ?. Founded in 1913 by three countries, each wholly or partly francophone, specifically Belgium, France and …

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Avoiding Disputes 

Avoiding Disputes

Avoiding Disputes  Methods of Avoiding Disputes This article discusses the various systems that have been developed to help resolve disputes as well as the systems that have been developed to minimize the possibilities of a dispute arising. It seems a logical starting point to suggest some of the steps that may be taken by Contractors to avoid getting …

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Arbitration Clause and Agreemet

Dubai International Arbitration Center

Arbitration Clause and Agreement Agreement to Arbitration  Arbitration are creatures of contract. Thus, the parties can shape an arbitration proceeding to a great extent in their arbitration agreements. I have arbitrated dozens of cases as a sole arbitrator or as an arbitration panel chair or panel member. My experience from that is that well-drafted arbitration …

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Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ?

Loss of Profits

Can a Contractor Claim for Loss of Profit ? Claim under standard forms of contract  All standard Forms of Contract provide for the Architect or the Engineer to order variations to the Works, and such variations may include omissions. Whenever variations are ordered that omit work, and particularly if such omissions are substantial in nature, contractors …

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آليات تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود الفيديك

FIDIC Red Book 99 - Clause

آليات تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود الفيديك وخصائصها طرق تسوية المنازعات   اصطلاح الفيدك هو تجميع للاحرف الاولى للتسمية الفرنسية ” FIDIC ” , والاسم بالفرنسية هو Federation International Des Ingenieurs Conseils ويعني الاسم باللغة العربية : الفيديك هو الإتحاد الدولى للمهندسين الإستشاريين وهو إتحاد يضم جمعيات المهندسين الإستشاريين فى جميع دول العالم . أما الاسم باللغة الانكليزية :  International …

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Contractor & The Construction Claims

Contractor & The Construction Claims The effective means of minimizing construction claims Contractor and the construction claims  The three most important factors in property value are Location, Location, Location!  In construction, the three most important factors to successful resolution of issues are  Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!  If you are a contractor, good documentation is required to …

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Improve the working environment

Improve the working environment, and create a successful construction team. Yes, Claims don’t result from differing site conditions, bad contract documents, or defective contract administration. They are a direct result of the contractor losing money on the job. This is either because of the above reasons, for which a contract adjustment may be an appropriate remedy, …

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Construction Management

What is the difference between Management Contracting and Construction Management. Management Contracting Management contracting is appropriate for large scale projects requiring an early start on site. The design is undertaken on behalf of the employer and this procurement route is ideal where work needs to be started before the design on the project is completed. …

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