Page Tags: construction


Architect Role of Architect  The accepted role of the architect has long been to design the building, advise on the selection and appoint of other sub-consultant, manage the design, select and appoint the contractor, and the sub-contractors, and generally represent the client’s interests as far as possible. Coming with these responsibilities is the duty to …

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FIDIC DBO Contract


FIDIC DBO Contract   DBO Contract Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects First Edition 2008 Contents of Contract Book _ General Conditions _ Particular Conditions _ Sample Forms   Following publication of the Orange Book in 1995 and the Red, Yellow and Green Books in 1999 it became clear that there was a growing need …

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FIDIC Silver Book

FIDIC Silver Book

FIDIC Silver Book Introduction to FIDIC Silver Book Introduction FIDIC – the International Federation of Consulting Engineers – published in September 1999 a suite of four new Standard Forms of Contract. This new suite comprises: Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer : The Construction Contract Conditions of …

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Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ?

liquidated damages

Can a contractor challenge the liquidated damages ? What are liquidated damages? Sum of money (agreed-to and written into a contract) specified as the total amount of compensation an aggrieved party should get, if the other party breaches certain part(s) of the contract. The contract also establishes what actions or failures to act constitute a …

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Arbitration Adjudication, mediation, mediator, negotiation, conciliation, intervention ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Procedure What is Arbitration?  Arbitration is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to one or more arbitrators who make a binding decision on the dispute. In choosing arbitration, the parties opt for a private dispute …

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آليات تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود الفيديك

FIDIC Red Book 99 - Clause

آليات تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن عقود الفيديك وخصائصها طرق تسوية المنازعات   اصطلاح الفيدك هو تجميع للاحرف الاولى للتسمية الفرنسية ” FIDIC ” , والاسم بالفرنسية هو Federation International Des Ingenieurs Conseils ويعني الاسم باللغة العربية : الفيديك هو الإتحاد الدولى للمهندسين الإستشاريين وهو إتحاد يضم جمعيات المهندسين الإستشاريين فى جميع دول العالم . أما الاسم باللغة الانكليزية :  International …

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Contractor & The Construction Claims

Contractor & The Construction Claims The effective means of minimizing construction claims Contractor and the construction claims  The three most important factors in property value are Location, Location, Location!  In construction, the three most important factors to successful resolution of issues are  Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!  If you are a contractor, good documentation is required to …

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Nine lessons for avoiding construction disputes

Nine lessons for avoiding construction disputes Construction Disputes: construction : Economic theory tells us that the pain of recessions may put stress on companies, but it also forces them to evolve and adapt. Companies willing to learn from adversity can emerge stronger and wiser. Those who failed to learn from economic hardship are among the …

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Design and Construction Defect Claims

Design and Construction Defect Claims Construction Defect This is a simple question with a complicated answer. Construction defects are one of the most common causes of disputes and litigation in the construction industry. There is often disagreement when it comes to identifying what a construction defect is because of the differing viewpoints and interests of …

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Litigation and Arbitration

Litigation and Arbitration Litigation and Arbitration Alternative Dispute Resolution  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a term that encompasses various methods of resolving conflicts and disputes outside of traditional court litigation. One popular form of ADR is arbitration, which involves the submission of disputes to one or more impartial individuals, known as arbitrators, who make a …

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