Page Tags: clauses

Pricing variation

Pricing variation Variation In Writing Because of the many different categories of legal claim made under the heading of variation claims, there are many ways in which the so-called variations are priced. The most straight forward variation claim is that based on debt. For example a contract may provide that if the owner directs the …

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10 Things You Need To Know About FIDIC | Clause

10 Things You Need To Know About FIDIC ( Contract and Clause ). What does ” FIDIC” stand for ?. Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs – Conseils (from French, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers) What is The history of FIDIC ?. Founded in 1913 by three countries, each wholly or partly francophone, specifically Belgium, France and …

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Arbitration Clause and Agreemet

Dubai International Arbitration Center

Arbitration Clause and Agreement Agreement to Arbitration  Arbitration are creatures of contract. Thus, the parties can shape an arbitration proceeding to a great extent in their arbitration agreements. I have arbitrated dozens of cases as a sole arbitrator or as an arbitration panel chair or panel member. My experience from that is that well-drafted arbitration …

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The UAE Civil Procedure Code


The UAE Civil Procedure Code, Federal Law No. (11) of 1992 Chapter Three Article    Article |  ARBITRATION  Article (203) The parties to a contract may generally stipulate in the basic contract or by a supplementary agreement that any dispute arising between them in respect of the performance of a particular contract shall be referred …

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